Published on
April 26, 2023

6 Useful content tips to automate your talent sourcing strategy

Talent sourcing is one of the most time-consuming parts of the recruiting process. With these 7 tips, you can save days of work each month.

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As companies adopt more recruitment marketing strategies to build their talent pool, there are plenty of opportunities to automate time-consuming tasks, with nearly half (48%) of HR departments planning to automate at least part of their hiring process. /

While modern tools and platforms can speed up sourcing, they need to be fed the right content to ensure your talent pipeline is being filled with quality candidates. Mastering the 6 types of content below can help you scale up recruitment marketing campaigns that attract top talent.

1. Hiring manager questionnaire

Along with the description and qualifications of a job, hiring managers can provide key information you’ll need to market the position. A list of the top reasons a candidate would want this job can help you create attention-grabbing advertisements.

Industry- and role-specific phrases can be used for search keywords and synonymous job titles. This can expand the reach of your campaigns, and you can gather unique information needed for your creative targeting strategies.  

Using a repeatable questionnaire to gather this recruitment marketing information gets hiring managers in the habit of thinking about these topics and helps you quickly get the input you need to create high-performing campaigns.

2. Social ads

Social channels are a key way to reach a wider pool of candidates, especially the many qualified candidates not actively looking on traditional job boards.

There are platforms available, like Wonderkind, that make the process of creating, targeting, and optimizing your social campaigns more automatic. Of course, these campaigns will need to be filled out with great content.

There are many avenues for recruitment advertisements. In our guide to turning job descriptions into social ads in 15 minutes, we laid out the content needed for standard Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn ads.

Other channels that can be highly successful for talent sourcing include:

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger ads encourage people to message your business via Facebook Messenger chat directly. Ads can be displayed in the news feed, as a banner in a person’s messaging inbox, or (if a person has previously chatted with you) as a chat message.

These campaigns offer a more direct way to interact with candidates. Still, you will need to be ready to respond quickly to incoming messages – either manually or by setting up a chatbot.

Google Responsive Search

Google Responsive Search ads are the text ads that appear at the top of Google search results. You give Google a selection of headlines (30 characters), descriptions (90 characters), keywords, and Google will automatically pick the combinations that best match a person’s search.

Text ads are a great way to reach candidates early in the job hunt, like those searching for “java developer Berlin”.

Additionally, the search terms and keywords that hiring managers provide in the questionnaire can be used to reach people curious about what jobs are out there that match their skill set and career goals.

Google Responsive Display

Google Responsive Display ads that are displayed on websites and apps that are in Google’s advertising network.

These are great for retargeting and for reaching passive candidates. Like with the responsive search ads, you give Google a selection of short headlines, long headlines, descriptions, your company logo, and at least one square and one landscape image.

The Google algorithms then mix and match the pieces, display them in different formats across the web, and gradually figure out which combinations are the most effective.

3. Career page

An easy-to-navigate career page goes a long way. A space with just the core building blocks – open positions, company profile, contact information – is already very helpful to people interested in applying.

Over time, as recruitment marketing efforts scale up, this space can host a broader range of content. This could include company values, team photos, office tours, employee stories, industry insights, or career information.

4. FAQs

A solid set of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be reused all throughout the recruitment pipeline. They can be added to the career page, quickly copied into emails, fed into a chatbot, and provide a single-point-of-truth to ensure internal stakeholders are all on the same page.

FAQs can cover topics such as:

  • Interview process – timelines, assessments, dress code, directions
  • Benefits – time off, remote policy, pension, healthcare, parental leave, unique perks
  • Career – trajectory, training, coaching, skills development
  • Culture – values, management structure, internal programs, community involvement

5. Employee testimonials

Genuine employee voices are a valuable source of recruitment marketing content, as hearing from future colleagues can be a great way for candidates to get a feel if the company culture is a good fit.

Of course, this is easier said than done. Getting an employee to write that blog they promised can take weeks and, while they look great, interview videos can be time and cost intensive.

A recruitment podcast series might be a more feasible option, with 5-10 minute interviews from team members or hiring managers talking about the company or role.

These can be recorded fairly quickly, anonymized if needed (such as for external recruitment agencies), easily accessed on mobile devices, and let candidates hear emotions and humor that might not come through as clearly in a blog post.

6. Email drips

Email automation is a powerful tool in talent sourcing, especially when it goes beyond the typical use of application confirmation and interview reminders.

Emails that give interview tips and insight into what the employer is looking for can build a good rapport with potential hires. When the position has been filled, an automatic email to disqualified candidates respects everyone’s time and keeps the relationship open for future opportunities.

Nurture programs can be made specifically for candidate rediscovery. Bucketing previous candidates into key groups (role area, skill level, top qualities, etc.) lets you send relevant positions instead of spamming them with every opening.

As you scale up your recruitment marketing content creation, sending industry and career insights is also a great way to keep your talent pool engaged until a perfect position is available again.

How Wonderkind supercharges recruitment marketing

Wonderkind’s Talent Attraction Technology helps you reach 5x more candidates in 5X less time by leveraging social channels.

The Wonderkind platform provides tools and templates that make it easy to create and manage Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google ads all from one place. It integrates with leading recruitment marketing tools like Harver, Taleo, Bullhorn, and others for a smooth workflow.

Not only can you master multi-channel advertising quickly, but you’ll also get access to the wealth of data we’ve gathered from launching over 10,000 job campaigns.

This includes instant audience estimates for your campaigns, a deep library of job title synonyms for better targeting, and our smart profiling system that optimizes ad placement to reach quality candidates.

If you’d like to see how Wonderkind can boost your recruitment marketing strategy, we’d be happy to give you a demo.

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