Published on
November 28, 2023

Q5: The hidden gem in talent attraction

Discover the strategic advantage of Q5 in talent acquisition: lower ad costs and heightened candidate engagement offer a unique opportunity for companies to attract top talent during this often-overlooked period.

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In the dynamic world of recruitment and talent acquisition, timing is often as crucial as the message itself. As the end-of-year festivities wind down and the business world quiets in anticipation of a new year, a unique window of opportunity presents itself. This period, known as Q5, runs from post-Black Friday to mid-January and stands out as a strategic goldmine for companies seeking to attract top talent.

Lower advertising costs: an open field for talent acquisition

During Q5, there’s a notable decrease in advertising costs. The competitive frenzy of Q4 gives way to a more subdued marketplace, with lower Cost Per Mille (CPM) and Conversion Rate (CVR) metrics. This creates a buyer’s market for ad space, particularly in the realms of social media and online job boards, where visibility is paramount.

“The reduced CPM and CVR rates in Q5 represent not just a saving in costs, but an invaluable opening for heightened brand visibility in the talent market,”  
Laurent Scholten

This decrease in advertising costs allows for a smarter allocation of recruitment budgets and the ability to reach a wider audience without the usual fiscal strains.

Lower CPA, higher intent. Q5 truly is a hidden gem.

Candidates setting goals: a window into mindset shifts

The arrival of Q5 coincides with a period of introspection for many individuals. It’s a time for reflecting on professional paths and setting new career objectives. With this shift towards self-improvement and goal-setting, there’s an inherent increase in job seekers’ intent to change roles.

“During this time, people are more receptive to new opportunities. They’re not just passive candidates; they are actively seeking change and are more open to taking that leap into a new job,”
Laurent Scholten

This heightened intention to switch roles is a pattern savvy recruiters can leverage, aligning their talent attraction efforts with the candidate’s personal aspirations for growth and change.

The recruitment slowdown: a missed opportunity

Despite the ripe conditions for talent acquisition in Q5, many companies reduce their recruitment activities, yielding to the traditional slowdown of the season. This decrease in job postings and recruitment efforts is paradoxical, especially in a labour market where the competition for skilled talent is fierce.

“In today’s tight labour market, companies cannot afford the luxury of slowing down their recruitment efforts. This quiet period is when a strategic push can yield significant results,”
Frank Nijmeijer

For companies to remain competitive and not lose ground, maintaining a robust recruitment presence in Q5 is critical.

Harnessing the power of Q5: a strategic talent attraction playbook

Given these insights, it’s clear that Q5 holds untapped potential for talent acquisition. The key is to adopt a strategic approach that aligns with the unique attributes of this quarter:

  1. Capitalise on reduced ad costs: Allocate resources wisely by taking advantage of lower ad costs to increase brand presence in the job market.
  2. Engage with goal-setting candidates: Tailor messaging to resonate with candidates’ new year aspirations, offering opportunities that speak to their desire for growth and progress.
  3. Maintain momentum in recruitment: Continue to drive recruitment campaigns actively, ensuring that your company remains top-of-mind for top-tier talent considering a change.

Key Takeaways

As we embrace the unique opportunities of Q5, companies must remain agile, ready to capitalise on the lower costs and heightened candidate engagement. Firms that strategically manoeuvre through this period will not only gain immediate talent acquisition advantages but also set a proactive tone for the year ahead.

Frank Nijmeijer encapsulates this sentiment:

“Q5 is not a time to rest on our laurels but to reaffirm our commitment to attracting the best talent. The companies that thrive are those that recognise and seize the moments others overlook.”

As we stand on the threshold of Q5, the question for companies is not whether to engage in talent acquisition but how to optimise these efforts to yield the best returns. The period is ripe for those ready to take action, and the rewards are there for the taking.

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